
sftraj: What is a trajectory?

In this new post from the sftraj series, we now present a detailed conceptual model for movement, from the basic location to a complete trajectory. Essentially, this is the logics behind sftraj.

sftraj: Existing classes for trajectory data in R

We now have a problem, a team, and use cases to consider for our sftraj package. In order to be relevant, we also need to know what does already exist in R, what other projects have attempted to deal with trajectories and tracking data, and what lessons can we learn from this. In this post of the sftraj series, we thus review the state of affairs in the R world.

sftraj: Work plan and call for contribution

After introducing the problem and our team in the previous blog post, we now present in this second post of the ‘sftraj’ series a brief overview of the sftraj package as projected, and how we will work to implement it. Most importantly, we also ask your help, and explain how you (developers and users!) can contribute to the success of sftraj.

sftraj: A central class for tracking and movement data

It is now official, our proposal to the R Consortium to code an R package dedicated to tracking data has been accepted! In this first blog post of the ‘sftraj’ series, we will introduce the problem and the need for such a package, before getting into the nuts and bolts of the proposal.

Being a better programmer and scientist with rOpenSci

Increasingly scientists are sharing their code on public repositories like GitHub, SourceForge, and RForge. This sharing necessitates the need for scientists to write readable code with helpful documentation. rOpenSci is a collaborative created to foster better coding in R, including writing a style guide on coding in R and peer-reviewing packages. Scientists should consider adopting these style guides to facilitate better interactions with people using or modifying their code.

R: Navigating through movement packages

A review of movement packages is on the way… We need your help with a survey!

A quick oveRview for beginners

"A new statistic proves that 73% of all statistics are pure inventions." J.J.A. Weber Introduction This document provides the basis to use the R software. R is a statistical environment based on a command-line language. R is a free and open-source software. You can thus freely use it1, freely distribute it, and freely modify and redistribute it. Figure 1: R is an open-source statistical software. What is in this tutorial?

Paper on our rpostgis package in the R journal

The paper on our rpostgis package is out in the R journal! This package provides an interface between R and PostGIS databases, with bidirectional transfer of both vector (points, lines, polygons) and raster data! Read more to get all the details!